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what is the true purpose of education???

Well, i always used to think, why did i waste or rather did in all these years of education, i am blogging now thats what i did all these years learning, getting exposed to things, illiterate wouldnt imagine at all…

I am here bloggin, i know english, i am able to think, imagine, type quicker and even know how to browse the internet, everything what i am doing now. Its well and good till now, but in the long run when i think what is the true purpose of education and finally our BAPU’s words come to my mind in his autobiography The Story of My Experiments With Truth, where he states the true purpose of education as

the mahatma’s quote

“The true purpose of education is to train the mind to think”

does it ring a alarm??

How many of us are confident that we are thinking???

1) are we friendly with everyone??
2) are we not polluting the earth??
3) are we helping the poor and downtrodden in watever ways we can??
4) are we giving our old clothes with the poor?
5) are we giving the waste food to someone which is his elixir of life??
6) are we behaving like a six sensed mammal??
7) are we …………………. no words to say!!

No wonder he is the Mahatma!!!

thats all it!!!


Think ppl,,

NOTE: if you got patience, read through this e-book of this truly marvellous autobiography


Good typing Speed

Well, typing speed is very essential and it helps you ofcourse save time, how it does, when you are capable of typing at some 30-40 words per minutes than groping for the letters in the keyboard, you save time and you get an edge over your peers, this is one field or one course which many doesnt give importance to..

I personally found out that typing at a higher speed would definitely give you an edge, i type pretty fast and i am a pro in typing and i personally type at 78 words per minute (gross) and at 54 wpm (average) which is very good and if i keep on typing for a longer period i am capable of multitasking.

This is one course that people failed to do in their career, they somehow manage but never excel…

here are some of the links from where you can download some typing softwares

* link 0
* link 1
* link 2
* link 3 (link wont work)
* link 4
* link 5
* link 6
* link 7
* link 8
* link 9(invalid url)

If you feel the need for a good decent typing speed, then download any of the softwares listed in the above links and help yourself do better


Gopinath Radhakrishnan

Why We criticise our education system

Well, what made me use that topic is because ppl usually criticise our education system for not making us competent in the world arena, but i feel our education system has quite a lot in offering, which we dont utilise properly. Firstly, our syllabus has the most basic of things, which is what really important. Secondly, they cover a wide range of fields. For ex. an engineer gets to learn maths, physics, electronics, networking etc.. Though we learn only the basics, they are lot more important in learning or understanding the latest technology.

Though i feel it has so much in offering, it still has a major disadvantage in not making us practically strong. Its not the system mistake, we can learn but we are not using that learning capability to innovate, which major technological geeks around the world does, which is a reality..


Perfect Friend!!

Friendship!!! people have often mistaking the true meaning of it!!!
Boy-Boy=Best friends;
girl-girl= Best friends;
Boy-girl=???? suspicion ????;

Why is that?? When you are behaving the same way with your friend, why people often mistake when you do with the other gender!! Is it because of this society or is it people still arent open minded!!! i still couldnt figure out!! but thoughts are meant to be shared.

I do regret some mistakes i had commited personally which i dont like to mention, but nevertheless what ever it might be, true friends can be true friends till life!!! Practical thinking and living are the best solution to it!!!


Well, my second training after the communication training started on friday the 11th july, and we were asked to assemble in a room called COLOGNE, but due to insufficient space for the 29 trainees we were shifted to THE AMAZON, and only 27 turned on.

We had no idea what the training is all about, then walked in zubair ( my trainer) who clearly said what the training is all about and then i found out that is all about <a href=””>hardware</a&gt;, <a href=””>operating systems</a>, and <a href=””>networking</a&gt; and on the first day, we had no class at all!!!! and we just chatted, giggled, shouted, chaos, we dint behave as a MNC employee, thats one day which i feel we wont get again, we had a great time, the first day is none other than <a href=””>FRIDAY THE 11TH @ SUTHERLAND</a>…..


friday the 13th 2008 is the first day of my professional full time job, thats descriptive i feel.

it was in SUTHERLAND that i started my first day, it was for the DELL client and the first day was my training session on communication, means english…

i wore a t shirt and a jean, which is allowed according to the dress code as it was a friday a red horizontal striped t shirt with small horizontal white stripes in between, and a jean.

The first day was just a introduction day, we were asked to shift room after room, we were asked to assemble at SAULT STE MAURIE 2 (SSM2) room for our training, and after one hour we went to TECH 2 and then finally settled at VERMONTE (these are the rooms at the training facility)

Unfortunately, my trainer is a man named balaji or rather fortunately, he is very good. I initially thought a good looking girl would spice up the training, but this guy is very good, and i feel very lucky to have got into his batch though he is very itchy… thats ok….

He asked about everyone and when i got my turn i said bla bla bla bla bla bla,, ( it doesnt matter what i said), then we were asked to speak on a topic and were made to be interactive and he told us wat a real corporate world is all about, and how to behave in a corporate world.

in the first day we were 16 and later 7 joined on the next day and we are now 23 in our batch and there are 11 similar batches taking similar training “VERSANT” which is the name of the training..

I developed a good rapport with all, except a few on the first day and now as this is the fourth day i am very much in touch will all,,, great thing

the hall Vermonte is fully air conditioned which occasionally is too much to tolerate

then important we get free food as we are in DELL training other training candidates for MICROSOFT, BELL CANADA, etc.. dont get free food and even the trainers dont get free food, thats one good privilege..

To finish, there are some quite cool looking girls, nothing really cute, too boring to look more than once. once glance thats all next time, sorry i am blind, too much shimmering dress, make up.. bla bla bla….

Shankar, Bijju, Sourav Dutta, Prakash, Rupesh, Jayvardhan, Mahendran, Arun, Praveen, Goutham, Juzer, John Wesley, Suresh W, Omkar, Sathish Kumar, Ramya, Jaisri, Shalini, Ruth Tabitha, Kavipriya, Yogachitra, Sona and ofcourse Gopinath Radhakrishnan( ME)

thats it,,

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